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Sunday, March 3, 2013

Some people think it is ok to be intimate with 13 to 16 year old boys and girls no matter how old the person being intimate. My problem with this scenario is that there is a very large differential in power between a person under 18 and a much older person, say someone over 30. For a start the person under 16 for instance in NSW has only one power play and that is to blackmail the older person because they are breaking the law. But most young people don't have a clue about the law and therefore their power is not only limited but totally negated. The older person can manipulate the younger person to do what they want. This happens to people who are over 16 so how can we not believe that people younger than 16 are going to be even more manipulated than those older.

There are many situations today in which young people don't actually realise they are being manipulated. There was a young person who recently told me that a guy was just being helpful to him. This guy had been helpful to him for some 10 years and the boy was only 19. Helpful is an euphemism for having a mutually beneficial relationship, which is a euphemism for child sex abuse. There are situations in which people do use their knowledge for the good of the young person and become real mentors. This is the situation I was introduced to in my first encounter onto the gay Scene in meeting A. He is still a very good friend and at no time did he ever try to molest any of the young people he considered under his care. Everyone called him mother and he was extremely protective of his young 'sons & daughters'. I put those in brackets because they were all boys/young men. He took his responsibility very seriously and took care of his brood. But there were many people who didn't believe in the same philosophy including Don Storen, who has subsequently been arrested and convicted of paedophilia in Bali. The same with Alan Murphy also charged with peadophilia in Darwin but died before they could convict him. These men broke the sacred rule of caring for young people, they denigrated and assaulted them. This is untenable! These men were getting away with this behavior in Adelaide but eventually the law caught up with them.

Please treat youths, both boys and girls with respect and if they need help give them the right place to go and get that help!!!